English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation is a popular chess opening that offers a lot of flexibility and strategy to both White and Black. It is essential to understand each move and the ideas behind them to play this opening correctly. In this article, we're going to analyze each move in-depth to give you a better understanding of this opening.





This line (9 moves) is played in approximately 1 out of every 1000 games

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation is a solid opening for White, characterized by a symmetrical pawn structure in the center.

With the placement of the knight on c3 and the bishop on g2, White aims to control the center and put pressure on Black's kingside.

This opening is great for players who prefer quiet and positionally sound game-play rather than sharp, tactical battles.

One of the main advantages of this opening is that it offers a lot of flexibility, allowing White to choose between a few different setups depending on Black's response.

However, mastering this opening can be difficult as it requires a good understanding of strategic concepts and accurate calculation skills.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation, move by move



In the English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation, the move c4 is played by White with the aim of gaining control over the center. By advancing the pawn to c4, White indirectly attacks Black's d5 square, making it difficult for Black to establish a strong pawn structure. C4 also opens up diagonal b1-h7, which can be utilized by the bishop on g2 after fianchettoing. This move initiates a flexible playing style for White, allowing for a wide range of pawn structures and plans.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation c4



Black plays c5 in response to White's c4 in order to gain control over the center. By advancing the pawn to c5, Black aims to challenge White's control over the d4 square and potentially establish a strong pawn structure. Additionally, the move c5 prepares for the development of Black's knights to c6 and d7, attacking White's central pawns and fighting for control over the center. In sum, c5 is a dynamic move that allows Black to exert pressure on White from an early stage of the game.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation c5



White plays Nc3 in response to Black's c5 with the aim of supporting the pawn on d4 and preparing to control the center. Nc3 also enables White to establish control over the d5 square, making it difficult for Black to develop their pieces harmoniously. The knight on c3 also prepares for a kingside fianchetto and may subsequently be used to pressure Black's center. In general, Nc3 is a versatile move that provides White with many options to develop their pieces, determining their future strategy throughout the game.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation Nc3



In the English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation, Black plays Nc6 in response to White's Nc3 with the aim of developing a knight to a central square. Nc6 also prepares for the pawn advance to d5, which challenges White's central control and aims to gain space. The knight on c6 may also support Black's queenside pawns, which may become mobile later in the game. Additionally, Nc6 puts pressure on White's pawn on e5, which could potentially become a target for Black's pieces. In sum, Nc6 is a flexible and useful move that contributes to balanced development for Black.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation Nc6



White plays g3 with the aim of preparing to fianchetto their bishop on g2, which controls the long diagonal and puts pressure on Black's kingside. The move g3 also supports the pawn structure and prepares for the castle kingside. In addition, g3 prevents Black's knight on f6 from advancing to g4, possibly eliminating the bishop on g2 to weaken White's pawn structure. In sum, g3 is an important preparatory move that sets the stage for White's future development and control over the board.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation g3



Black plays g6 with the aim of also preparing to fianchetto their bishop on g7, similarly to White's bishop on g2, to control the long diagonal and put pressure on White's kingside. The move g6 also reinforces the pawn on f7, which may provide additional defense in the future. In addition, g6 potentially allows Black's knight on f6 to reroute to d7 and challenge White's pawn structure on the queenside. In sum, g6 is a flexible move that sets up Black's future development and puts them in a solid position to face White's control over the center.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation g6



In the English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation, White plays Bg2 as a standard move to complete the kingside fianchetto. This move enables White to control the long diagonal as part of their strategy to put pressure on Black's kingside. In addition, Bg2 opens up the position for other White pieces, facilitating their further development. The bishop on g2 also protects the pawn on f3, which is crucial for White's pawn structure and helps maintain control over the center. In sum, Bg2 is a natural and fundamental move in the Fianchetto Variation, serving both as a defensive and offensive tool for White.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation Bg2



Black plays Bg7 in response to White's Bg2 with the aim of also completing the kingside fianchetto and controlling the long diagonal. Additionally, Bg7 puts pressure on White's pawn on e5, which could become a potential target for Black's future pieces. The bishop on g7 also provides additional defense to Black's kingside and may facilitate castling kingside in the future. In addition, Bg7 helps coordinate Black's pieces and contributes to their development. In sum, Bg7 is an important move that strengthens Black's position and sets them up for future strategic options.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation Bg7



White plays Nf3 in response to Black's Bg7 to develop the knight and control the center. Nf3 also supports the pawn on d4 and prepares for the castle kingside. In addition, Nf3 potentially allows for future support for the pawn advance to e5, aiming to gain more control of the center. Nf3 is often used as a flexible move in the early stages of the game and provides White with strategic options depending on Black's future moves. In sum, Nf3 contributes to White's development and their control over the board.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation Nf3

How to play the English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation starts with 1. c4 c5, creating a symmetrical pawn structure in the center.

Next, White develops the knights to c3 and f3 squares and fianchetto the king's bishop to g2.

Castling is usually the next move to connect the rooks and secure the King's safety.

White also has the flexibility to choose between different setups depending on Black's response. Finally, the opening is all about controlling the center and creating space for the pieces to maneuver.

How to counter the English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation is a solid opening that can be countered in different ways.

One approach is to opt for a reversed Sicilian setup, creating an imbalance on the board.

Another option is to exploit the small weaknesses in White's pawn structure by placing pressure on the d4 pawn.

Activating the light-squared bishop can also provide counterplay on the queenside.

Moreover, reacting promptly to White's moves and avoiding a passive position is crucial to come out with a playable game.

Pawn structure in the English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation

The pawn structure in English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation is symmetrical, which means that each side has the same pawn formation.

The pawns on c4 and c5, and on g2 and g7 are known as a pawn chains, while the d-pawn and e-pawn form the center of the board.

This pawn structure gives White control over the center of the board and provides stability to his position.

However, there are a few weak squares, such as the d4-square, that Black can utilize to create counterplay.

In sum, the symmetrical pawn structure in this opening is a result of both sides aiming to control the center with their pawns.

The papachess advice

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation is a solid and flexible opening popular among chess players who prefer positional play over tactics. It offers many strategic possibilities, allowing White to vary their plans depending on Black's moves. However, mastering this opening requires the player to possess accurate calculation skills and sound strategic reasoning. The symmetrical pawn structure and the bishop's placement on g2 provide White with stability and flexibility while posing a threat to Black's kingside. Nonetheless, Black has several ways to counterplay by exploiting the small weaknesses in White's pawn structure or by opting for a reversed Sicilian setup. In conclusion, English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation is an excellent opening choice for those who like to play strategically and positionally, but it requires a good understanding of the key concepts driving this opening to succeed.

English Opening: Symmetrical Variation, Three Knights, Fianchetto Variation in brief

Eco code : A37

9 moves

- flank - symmetrical - positional


solid pawn structure

control of center

pressure on king-side


Requires accurate calculation skills

difficult to master

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