Kangaroo Defense

Surprise your Opponent with Kangaroo Defense

Kangaroo Defense is a versatile opening that requires precise moves and careful planning. In this section, we will analyze the opening move by move, discussing the different variations and ideas for both Black and White. Join us on this journey to explore all the nuances of this popular and aggressive opening.





This line (4 moves) is played in approximately 1 out of every 1000 games

Kangaroo Defense is a chess opening that involves playing 1. d4 e6 2. c4 Bb4+. This opening gained popularity in the recent years and has become a favorite among the chess community. The key idea of Kangaroo Defense is to develop the bishop to a strong square while controlling the central squares.

One of the strengths of Kangaroo Defense is that it can be played against several different responses by white, making it versatile for players at all levels. Another strength is that it can often lead to unbalanced positions where both sides have chances to play for a win. However, one drawback of this opening is that it requires precise moves and careful planning to avoid falling into traps.

In sum, Kangaroo Defense is a fun and challenging opening to play if you're looking to add a surprise factor to your game. It is a perfect choice for players who like to play aggressive and sharp positions. Nonetheless, this opening is not recommended for beginners since it requires a strong understanding of chess principles to use it effectively.

Kangaroo Defense, move by move



1.d4 is a common move for White because it controls the center and opens up lines for the pieces. It also prepares to develop the bishop on c1. By playing this move, White is signaling their intention to play a solid and aggressive game. The pawn on d4 puts pressure on Black's position and creates a strong pawn chain in the center of the board. With this move, White is ready to initiate a wide variety of attacking and defensive plans.

Kangaroo Defense d4



Black's move e6 is a common response to the pawn on d4. The move controls the square d5 and prepares to develop the bishop on c8. It also supports the pawn on d5 in case White chooses to advance it. By playing e6, Black also signals their intention to play a more defensive game, focusing on solidifying their position before launching any major attacks. This move can also set up some potential pawn structures that can be used later in the game to support the development of pieces and control of the center.

Kangaroo Defense e6



White's move c4 is a logical continuation of their opening strategy. The move controls the important squares d5 and e5, disrupting Black's pawn structure. It also allows for the development of the knight on c3 and frees the bishop on c1. This move can potentially lead to a strong pawn chain in the center of the board and open up lines for the queen and bishops. By playing c4, White is showing their willingness to take control of the game and establish a strong position on the board.

Kangaroo Defense c4



In the Kangaroo Defense, Black plays Bb4+ with the aim of putting pressure on White's position. By developing the bishop and attacking the pawn on c4, Black intends to disrupt White's pawn structure and gain control of the center of the board. This move can also force White to make a decision on how to respond and potentially waste a move or weaken their position in some manner. The pin on the knight on c3, which cannot move due to the pressure on the pawn, can also provide opportunities for Black to launch an attack.

Kangaroo Defense Bb4+

How to play the Kangaroo Defense

Kangaroo Defense involves playing 1. d4 e6 2. c4 Bb4+. The move aims at developing the bishop to a strong square while controlling the central squares. Black can choose to castle kingside, queenside or leave the king in the center depending on the position. It's important to avoid the trap 3.Nc3, where the knight attacks the bishop and if captured, allows the queen to fork the king and rook. Lastly, players must be precise in their move order and planning to make the most of this opening.

How to counter the Kangaroo Defense

Kangaroo Defense can be annoying to face for players who are unprepared. A good way to counter it is to control the central squares with pawns. White can reply with 3. e3 which allows them to develop their pieces and put pressure on Black's position. Another possible response is 3.Nf3 followed by 4.e3. White aims to control the e4 square and activate the dark-squared bishop. Another idea is to challenge the bishop with 3.Bd2, and later play e4, which can lead to an open position. Lastly, tactical traps like 3.exd5 followed by Qa4+ can win a pawn and give White an advantage.

Pawn structure in the Kangaroo Defense

The pawn structure in Kangaroo Defense varies depending on the position. If White captures on d5, the pawn structure becomes symmetrical. Black can choose to recapture with the queen's pawn or c-pawn which affects the pawn structure. An exchange on c5 creates a pawn island on the queen's side, while an exchange on d5 creates a pawn island on the kingside. In some cases, Black can maintain the pawn tension in the center by leaving the pawns on d5 and c5, which puts pressure on White's position. As the game progresses, Black may choose to expand on the queenside or kingside depending on the pawn structure and piece placement.

The papachess advice

Kangaroo Defense is a unique and exciting opening that can catch unprepared opponents off guard. It's a versatile choice that can lead to unbalanced positions and give Black equal chances to play for a win. However, it also requires precise planning and a strong understanding of chess principles to use it effectively. The pawn structure can vary widely depending on the position and player choices. White can counter this opening with careful moves and by challenging the bishop's position. In summary, Kangaroo Defense is recommended for intermediate to advanced players who are looking for a surprise factor in their games, and who are willing to put in the effort to master its intricacies.

Kangaroo Defense in brief

Eco code : A40



leads to unbalanced positions

Requires precise moves and careful planning

can fall into traps

I found a mistake!