London System

Master the Chess Board with London System

London System is a reliable and easy-to-learn opening that can be played by white. In this analysis, we will take a closer look at each move of this opening, including common variations and responses from black. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the London System can help players use it effectively and counter it when playing as black.





This line (5 moves) is played in approximately 1 out of every 1000 games

London System is a popular chess opening that starts with the move 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Bf4.

One of the strengths of this opening is its flexibility. It can be played against a variety of black responses, including g6, e6, and d5.

Another benefit of the London System is that it is easy to learn and play. It doesn't require as much theoretical knowledge as some other openings and can be especially effective at lower levels of play.

However, some players may find the London System a bit boring or predictable. It doesn't offer as many opportunities for aggressive play, which can make it less exciting for those who prefer more dynamic games.

In sum, the London System can be a good choice for players who want a solid, reliable opening that doesn't require a lot of memorization or risk-taking. Its simplicity can be both an advantage and disadvantage, depending on a player's style and preferences.

London System, move by move



In the London System, the move d4 is one of the primary objectives for White. By advancing the d-pawn two squares, White gains control over central squares and opens up potential lines for their pieces. With its support from the knight on f3, the pawn can be quite formidable in the center of the board. Playing d4 also allows for potential pressure on Black's pieces and can limit their options for development. In sum, d4 is a key move in the London System that helps set the stage for White's strategic plans.

London System d4



Black's move Nf6 is a natural response to White's d4 pawn push. By placing a knight in the center of the board, Black gains control over key squares and prepares for their own pawn advances. The knight on f6 eyes potential targets in White's territory, while also providing a defensive barrier for Black's own king. Furthermore, this move allows Black to establish their own presence in the opening and can help set the stage for their own strategic plans.

London System Nf6



White's move Nf3 is a sensible follow-up to the d4 pawn push. By developing a knight towards the center, White gains a foothold and prepares to castle their king. The knight on f3 is also strategically positioned to support the central pawn, while also attacking the pawn in Black's territory. With this move, White establishes a strong presence in the center and sets the stage for future development of their pieces towards important squares. This move also allows White to keep their options open and respond flexibly to Black's moves.

London System Nf3



In the London System, Black's move g6 is a common way to establish a solid defense while also preparing to develop their bishop on g7. By advancing the g-pawn two squares, Black lays claim to a big portion of the board and creates a solid foundation for their pieces. The pawn also provides support for the bishop, which can be a potent attacking piece on the long diagonal. The move g6 also gives Black more control over the f5 square, potentially restricting White's knight from advancing to that square. In sum, g6 is a flexible and useful move that can help Black gain a foothold in the game.

London System g6



White's move Bf4 is a key element in the opening strategy that aims to control central squares and apply pressure to Black's pieces. By developing the bishop towards the center of the board, White adds more pressure to the d6 square and prepares to castle their king. The bishop on f4 also eyes the h6 square, which can be a potential weakness in Black's position if left undefended. Additionally, the bishop can support the pawn on d4 and help to maintain White's stronghold in the center. In sum, Bf4 is a powerful move in the opening that allows White to establish strong control over the board.

London System Bf4

How to play the London System

London System is relatively an easy opening to play and use. The first move is 1.d4, which sets up an early pawn center. The second move is usually Nf3, which adds support to the pawn with a developing move. However, in the London System, the second move is a bishop move Bf4, which controls the e5 square and the long diagonal. It makes things easier for beginners because they can then avoid tactics and tricks that arise from the typical c4 and e4 pawn advances. With that in mind, white players can develop their pieces in a fairly consistent manner.

How to counter the London System

London System can be a tough opening to counter at first, but there are a few things players can do. One of the most common ways to counter the London System is to mirror white's moves by playing 1...d5. Black can then develop their pieces in a fairly straightforward manner as well. Additionally, black may choose to play c5 to take more control of the center and put pressure on white's pawn on d4. Another option is to delay castling and instead attempt to pressure white's bishop on f4 with moves like Nbd7, Bf5, and Qb6. Black players can also trade off white's dark-squared bishop if it becomes a nuisance, leaving white with a pair of damaged pawns.

Pawn structure in the London System

The pawn structure in the London System is fairly simple. White's pawn structure usually consists of pawns on d4, e3, f2, and g3. This setup creates a solid pawn center that can be difficult for black to break through. White's king knight typically moves to f3, allowing the bishop on f1 to be fianchettoed to g2. This bishop can then help control the center of the board and put pressure on black's pawn on d5. If black exchanges their pawn for white's pawn on d4, it creates a doubled pawn for white, which can be a target for black to attack later in the game. As the game progresses, both sides will likely make pawn moves to gain more space and control over the board.

The papachess advice

London System is an effective choice for white players who want a reliable, flexible, and easy-to-learn opening. Its simple pawn structure and systematic development can provide a solid foundation for a range of game plans. However, its predictable and less aggressive playstyle can also make it easier for black to prepare against and counter. To use the London System effectively, white players need to understand its strengths and weaknesses and be prepared to adapt to different black responses. Similarly, black players need to be familiar with common variations and possibilities for counterplay. Ultimately, the London System is just one of many possible openings, and players should choose the one that best fits their style and goals.

London System in brief

Eco code : A48





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