Paleface Attack

Paleface Attack: The Rarely Played Opening That Will Leave Your Opponent Speechless

Paleface Attack is a rarely played opening that can catch opponents off-guard. Here we will analyze its moves and offer a comprehensive guide on how to play and counter this aggressive opening. Let's dive into a detailed exploration of Paleface Attack and the possibilities it offers.





This line (3 moves) is played in approximately 1 out of every 1000 games

Paleface Attack is an aggressive chess opening that starts with 1. d4 Nf6 2. f3. This opening aims to control the center of the board with the pawn on d4 while preventing the standard move of e5 by black. The f3 move also prepares for an effective kingside attack.

The strength of Paleface Attack lies in its surprise factor and unpredictability. This opening is rarely played or studied which gives an advantage to those who know how to play it properly. It also puts pressure on the opponent to find the correct response, which can lead to mistakes.

However, Paleface Attack can be challenging to play as it requires specific knowledge and understanding of the resulting positions. It also weakens the pawn structure on the kingside, which can be exploited by black if not played correctly. Beginners may struggle with this opening as it is not commonly played and requires a unique approach.

Ultimately, Paleface Attack is a daring opening that can catch opponents off-guard and lead to a strong attack. It requires careful planning and execution, but can be a valuable tool for experienced chess players looking for a surprise attack.

Paleface Attack, move by move



In the Paleface Attack, white starts with the move d4 as the primary objective is to control the center of the board. This move makes way for the Queen and Bishop to be developed and also frees the path for the King's Rook to be connected with the Queen's Rook. The d4 pawn also puts pressure on black's e5 pawn and gives white the opportunity to gain control of the game by pushing the pawn forward to d5. The move d4 is a crucial opening move and sets the stage for white to dictate the pace of the game.

Paleface Attack d4



Playing the move Nf6 in response to d4 has been a popular choice for black since it supports the control of the central squares. Additionally, Nf6 puts pressure on white's central pawn and hinders white's strive for an early e4 pawn push. Nf6 also allows black's knights to make useful future moves and can lead to a variety of defences such as the King's Indian, Nimzo-Indian, or Grunfeld defences. In sum, playing Nf6 is a flexible move that allows black to develop their pieces smoothly while placing pressure on white's position.

Paleface Attack Nf6



White's move f3 is an unconventional and aggressive response to Black's Nf6. The move aims to control the center by preventing black's pawn from advancing to e4 while also opening the possibility of developing the light-squared bishop to g5. Additionally, the move f3 limits the scope of black's knight on f6 and puts pressure on black's position by threatening to push the pawn to e4. However, as with any unusual opening move, f3 can also be a double-edged sword, and white needs to be careful not to weaken their position by allowing black's pawn advances to undermine the pawn chain.

Paleface Attack f3

How to play the Paleface Attack

Paleface Attack involves a pawn advance to f3. This limits Black's possibilities of attacking through e5, and on occasion can prove to be an intimidating move. The move d4, the centre pawn, is optionally played first, while Black waits a move or two before completing their own development. White's early f3 move also facilitates the immediate deployment of his king's bishop via 2. g3. Players relying on the King's Indian or Grunfeld Defenses might not have time to complete their usual pawn development schemes.

How to counter the Paleface Attack

Paleface Attack can be met with pressure on White’s central pawns. By stopping the d4-pawn with e6 or d5, it becomes difficult for White to attack. Black can also utilize the small weaknesses created in the pawn structure on White's kingside. They can execute a pawn storm or gain a strong central pawn formation, thus restricting White's counterplay. Black should try to generate direct threats, without blocking their own development. Concretely, an inaccurate move by White could lead to an early and critical advantage for Black.

Pawn structure in the Paleface Attack

Paleface Attack usually leads to an open game with a pawn structure that's weakened on White's Kingside, allowing Black to attack. Although flexible, it can be uneasy to master due to a few reasons. The f2-pawn is undefended, which means that after e.g 2. ..., d5, White cannot exchange pawns without conceding a disadvantage. It's worth noting that sometimes Black does not contest the center, hoping to favourably imitate another opening system. The position requires precise calculation, timing and maneuvering from both sides. Black's strong counterplay lies in the possibility of developing a. strong central pawn formation, while White usually derives an advantage from his grip on the d5- and e4-squares.

The papachess advice

Paleface Attack is a daring opening which, if played correctly, can be a valuable tool for experienced chess players. With its unpredictability and the possibility of a strong kingside attack, it can catch opponents off-guard and leave them at a disadvantage. However, the opening requires specific knowledge and understanding of the positions that may arise. It also weakens the pawn structure on the kingside, which can be exploited by Black if not executed correctly. With the right strategy and planning, Paleface Attack can prove to be a powerful weapon, but it also requires careful maneuvering to avoid potential pitfalls. In conclusion, Paleface Attack can be one of the more exciting openings to play, but it is not one to be taken lightly.

Paleface Attack in brief

Eco code : A45


Pressure on the opponent

Control of center

Opportunity to mount a Kingside attack

Weakens Kingside pawn structure

Requires specific knowledge

Limited variety of variations

Makes some reactions from Black stronger

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