Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense

Revolutionize your Game with Ruy Lopez's Schliemann Defense!

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense is a bold chess opening that challenges the conventional Ruy Lopez. By pushing the f-pawn to f5 early on, Black aims to disrupt White's central control and develop their pieces quickly, while risking the safety of their own king. Each move of this dynamic opening carries important consequences and will determine the game's outcome.





This line (10 moves) is played in approximately 1 out of every 1000 games

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense is an aggressive opening that aims to counter the Ruy Lopez, also known as the Spanish Opening. By playing 3...f5, Black aims to disrupt White's central control and develop their pieces quickly.

One of the main strengths of this opening is that it can surprise opponents who are not familiar with it, leading them to make mistakes. It also allows Black to play for a win, as opposed to a more passive or defensive approach.

However, this opening does have its weaknesses. By pushing the f-pawn early on, Black weakens their own kingside, leaving it vulnerable to attack. It also requires precise calculation and understanding of the resulting positions, as any mistakes can quickly lead to a disadvantage.

In sum, Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense is a challenging opening that can pay off for aggressive players who are willing to take risks and have a good understanding of the resulting positions.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense, move by move



The move e4 is a central pawn push that controls space in the center, opens up lines for the pieces and allows for faster development. With this move, white immediately puts pressure on black's pawn on e5 and threatens to capture it. This opening can lead to dynamic and aggressive play, with both sides vying for control of the center. Black has the option of either defending the e5 pawn or playing the Schliemann Defense, which sacrifices a pawn for increased activity. Kostić Defense is also a viable option for black, where the knight goes to the b6 square, with the idea of attacking the c4 pawn and preventing the advancement of b2-b4. In sum, e4 is a strong and flexible move that sets the stage for an interesting and complex game of chess.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense e4



The move e5 by Black is a central pawn push that aims to control space in the center and open up lines for their pieces. By playing e5, Black also puts pressure on White's pawn on e4 and challenges White's control of the center. This move can lead to a sharp and tactical game of chess, with both sides vying for control of the center and the initiative. Black also has the option of playing different variations such as the Sicilian, the French or the Caro-Kann defenses. In sum, e5 is a dynamic and assertive response to White's opening move.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense e5



The move Nf3 by White is a knight development move that aims to control the center and prepare for castling. By placing the knight on f3, White indirectly defends the pawn on e4 and puts pressure on Black's pawn on e5. This move also allows White to potentially threaten Black's pawn on d4 or put pressure on Black's kingside. Nf3 is a common and flexible move in many different openings, including the Italian Game, the Vienna Game, and the Petrov Defense. In sum, Nf3 is an effective way for White to develop a piece and gain control over the center of the board.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense Nf3



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Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense Nc6



The move Bb5 by White is a bishop development move that aims to pin Black's knight on c6 and threaten to capture Black's pawn on e5. By placing the bishop on b5, White also takes control of the c6 square and potentially puts pressure on Black's queenside. This move is a characteristic move in many different openings, including the Italian Game, the Spanish Four Knights, and the Petrov Defense. Bb5 is a flexible and strong move that sets the stage for White to further develop their pieces and gain control of the center.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense Bb5



The move f5 by Black is a pawn push that aims to gain space and counter White's pressure on e5. By playing f5, Black also opens up lines for their pieces and prepares to launch an attack on White's kingside. This move is a risky and aggressive response to White's pressure along the e-file, as it weakens Black's pawn structure. However, it can also lead to a complex and tactical battle, where both sides need to be careful with their maneuvers. F5 is a characteristic move in the Schliemann Defense of the Ruy Lopez and often leads to a sharp and exciting game of chess.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense f5



In the Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, White's move Nc3 is a knight development that aims to reinforce White's control over the d5 square and indirectly defend the pawn on e4. By playing Nc3, White also prepares for an eventual attack on Black's f5 pawn. This move is commonly seen in the Ruy Lopez when Black plays the Schliemann Defense, as it allows White to gain flexibility in their position and potentially develop their queenside pieces. Nc3 is a strong and flexible move for White that sets the stage for a dynamic and complex game of chess.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense Nc3



The move fxe4 by Black is a pawn capture that aims to open up lines for their pieces along the e-file. By playing fxe4, Black also gains control over the central d4 square and limits the mobility of White's knight on c3. This move is a characteristic response to White's Nc3 move in this opening, as it sets up a potential pin along the e-file that can put pressure on White's king. However, this pawn capture also weakens Black's pawn structure and gives White increased control over the d5 square. Fxe4 is a sharp and tactical move that can lead to a complex and dynamic game of chess.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense fxe4



The move Nxe4 by White is a knight capture that aims to eliminate Black's strong pawn on f5 and open up lines for White's pieces along the e-file. By capturing the f5 pawn, White also gains control over the e5 square and puts pressure on Black's pawn structure. This move is a common response in this opening when Black captures on e4, as it can lead to a symmetrical pawn structure and equal chances for both sides. However, this capture also brings White's knight to the center of the board where it becomes vulnerable to attacks by Black's minor pieces. Nxe4 is a dynamic and flexible move that sets the stage for an interesting and tactical game of chess.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense Nxe4



In the Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Black's move Be7 is a bishop development that aims to control the d8-h4 diagonal and prepare for castling. By placing the bishop on e7, Black also protects their pawn on f6 and potentially prepares to launch a kingside attack. This move is a common response when Black plays the fxe4 capture, as it forces White to move their knight and increases the mobility of Black's own minor pieces. However, this move also blocks the f8 bishop's diagonal and makes it harder for Black to gain control over the center of the board. Be7 is a flexible and solid move that sets the stage for a strategic game of chess.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense Be7

How to play the Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense requires precision and aggression from Black. After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6, play 3.Bb5 to provoke Black to push their f-pawn and follow with 4.Nc3. Black then challenges White's pawn center with 4...fxe4 5.Nxe4 Be7, defending the e5-pawn and preparing to castle. Black must be prepared to calculate variations accurately, as this opening is risky and may lead to a difficult position if played imprecisely.

How to counter the Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense can be challenging for White to face, but there are ways to counter it. After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6, White can play 3.Bb5 as usual, but be prepared for Black's f-pawn push and respond with 4.d3, which solidifies the pawn center and stops Black's pawn from getting to f4. White can also consider playing 4.0-0, which allows White to follow up with Nd5 and put pressure on Black's pieces. Careful calculation and a solid understanding of the resulting positions is key to effectively countering this opening.

Pawn structure in the Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense

The pawn structure in Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense is unique and dynamic. After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6, Black's 3...f5! pawn push creates an unbalanced position. White's pawn structure may be weakened on the queenside, with doubled a-pawns, but their pawns are generally more centralized. Black's pawn on f5 represents an aggressive stance, but can also become a target for White's pieces in the future. Careful pawn play and awareness of pawn breaks are important in navigating the resulting positions. Understanding the pawn structure's strengths and weaknesses is essential for success in this opening.

The papachess advice

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense is a moroccan opening that challenges the traditional Ruy Lopez and provides an opportunity for Black to play aggressively. Its unique pawn structure, which features a weakened yet unbalanced position, demands precise calculations, accurate assessments, and strategic risk-taking. The opening's success comes in part from the surprise it can bring to the table, often leaving opponents unaware and unprepared to face it. While it presents its challenges, it can also deliver a potential winning position for Black if played carefully and accurately. Counter-strategies by White, including d3, 0-0, and Nd5, require a keen understanding of the opening's components, structures, and forces. Finally, Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense is not an easy opening to play, but its rewards are significant for those willing to undertake it with precision, strategic vision, and risk-taking.

Ruy Lopez: Schliemann Defense, Kostić Defense in brief

Eco code : C63


surprise value

allows Black to play for a win

Weakens kingside

requires precise calculation

can lead to a disadvantage

I found a mistake!